There’s nothing like a cheeky escape to the country when you know other people are in work.
It’s like ducking out of P.E. and getting to laugh at everyone tripping over their shoelaces. Ha.
On Monday I had the morning off to do some dreaded ‘life things’ because apparently I’m an adult now. However, amongst the piles of washing and forms to sign, I managed to get out to Avenham Park in Preston for a walk along the river.
It’s amazing how many people believe that the landscape just dies over the winter months – that the whole scene just falls into disrepair and animals dose up on Xanax. OK, Monday wasn’t exactly the most glorious of days, but it meant that birds were out in their dozens, all waiting for a juicy worm or two.
Squirrels circled their turf. A flock of tits landed on spindly branches. Two song thrushes mimicked each other in the trees, yellow throats quivering.
The Ribble has been pushed to the max over the past few weeks, but the resident goosanders (three males, two females) had dropped anchor just past the bridge and battled against the wind. They’re such gorgeous things to spot. They are known as ‘toothed’ ducks because of their saw-like bills and eat mainly fish. They can be found as residents in the North and West of Britain, so keep an eye out.
Now that the days are lengthening and the storms are dying down – I’m looking forward to some more sneaky escapes.
What have you seen this winter?

I’ve just got back from a walk down the River Wharfe with my dog Eddie. Its a beautiful day today. Snow drops in full bloom crocus’ just poking their heads above the turf to check if its spring yet. We didn’t see an deer today but one of the resident red kites followed us part of the way. Every time I walk down there I feel SO lucky to be this close to that kind of beauty and having lived in Preston, you know how grey it can be, I know just how essential the countryside, trees and nature is to my well-being. Xxx
This sounds gorgeous! Not seen a kite in so long. Also very true about Preston – it can get very grey so it’s good to escape once in a while xxx