We might still be clinging to our hot water-bottles and be deep in our winter socks but it’s never too early for a spot of spring cleaning!
Having finally decided to get into nature conservation, this blog needs a bit of sprucing up. As of March 2014 I will be a Resident Intern at Leighton Moss RSPB Reserve in Silverdale, Lancashire: this obviously means frolicking through the midday fields and singing to sparrows on my window sill. Don’t ruin my dream.
It’s been a major decision and means I will be living onsite for six months, but I can’t wait! I’ll be engaging with visitors, leading education groups and getting people excited about wildlife.
Perhaps what I’m most thrilled about is being able to spend time outdoors in nature.
There’s only one thing to worry about… which books am I going to pack??
I’m going to use this blog to record my countryside ramblings and literary exploits. Expect anything from roe deer and water rails, to crazed midnight writings.
So, let’s get started, shall we?