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Diffusion of Knowledge

Excellent things have been going on lately! I’ve been made student editor of Diffusion: Journal of Undergraduate Research at UCLan, and chaired my first meeting last week. The launch of Volume 3 was held at UCLan Book Exchange in the Student Union on 6th October. A journalist came around to interview us, and we’ve ended up taking over UCLan’s front page! (see here)

This is great publicity for the journal, as well as the univeristy, so I’m very pleased!

Also, I entered a poetry competition with United Press last month, and have won first place! It was a lovely surprise, so I wanted to say thanks to the United Press team.

Jake Hope, Head of Children’s Books with Lancashire Libraries has been in touch and I’ll be helping out at some of the children’s events in the area. Very excited about the Hoghton Tower event. If you’re interested in helping out at children’s library events in Lancashire, or are just looking for more information, send me a message and I’ll pass on your details.

Now… must find motivation to write my essay. Library times it is then.

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Writing Services

Jennifer is currently available for commissions and can be contacted here.

Specialities: British wildlife I.D. (birds, mammals and wildflowers), the natural world, allotment life, witchcraft writing, Shamanism, Paganism, New Age, veganism, eco-living.

Formats: Copywriting, magazine journalism, blogs, articles, long-form copy, newsletters.

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