CVs & Tea Leaves

Well, it seems I’m being turfed out into the dreaded ‘real world’ after four years of comfortably shabby student living. I’m ready to take on … Read more

To PhD, or not to PhD…

February, when did you get here? So, over half the month has passed, along with Valentine’s Day (see how I refrained from anything vilely sentimental?), and … Read more

Winter Wafflings

I’m having a belated blow of festivity, drinking ‘Christmas Tea’ from a Santa mug and cheerily humming “Sleigh Ride”. Must be this vile good mood … Read more

Lemsip Addiction

Happy December-Time! Just a quick post: I’ve now uploaded the latest issue of Diffusion online! Go take a look: Diffusion 4:2. We’re very pleased with … Read more