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Newcastle, macaroons, and the Beeb.

Feel like I’ve had my socks knocked off! Seven Stories is an amazing place: a haven of children’s literature and I’d thoroughly recommend it. I’ve just finished a two week work placement there and have come back brimming with picture book ideas. Thanks so much to everyone there – you were so lovely! Fabulous time in Newcastle, where I tasted macaroons and tapas (not together…) for the first time, and walked along the quay at dawn.

But now back to reality, and there are a stack of poetry competitions to be getting on with!

If you’re into nature, and are an ornothological whizz (ahem) then you might be interested in the Rialto and RSPB poetry competition 2012. The Rialto is Britain’s leading independent poetry magazine, so this is a wonderful opportunity. You’re poetry can take any direction, but should have a basis in nature. Closing date 30th April 2012 (more details on website).

There are heaps more, but I’m sans laptop at the moment, so bear with me. Does anyone have any more events/poetry info? Would be great to know!

Just a little note: This year I’ll be off to CBBC for an amazing two weeks after winning a screenwriting competition! Thanks so much to Kimo Morrison for this, I’m absolutely thrilled! UCLan news wrote a cheeky little article without telling me…

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Writing Services

Jennifer is currently available for commissions and can be contacted here.

Specialities: British wildlife I.D. (birds, mammals and wildflowers), the natural world, allotment life, witchcraft writing, Shamanism, Paganism, New Age, veganism, eco-living.

Formats: Copywriting, magazine journalism, blogs, articles, long-form copy, newsletters.

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